Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 28 #EdTechBridge Chat Topic: "Moving Relationships Outside of the Chat"

Relationship building has been at the heart of the #EdTechBridge mission from the beginning.  We started with a conversation (aka problem solving session) at SXSWEdu where we worked with the other participants in our session to look at the cultural divide (or perceived divide) that exists between Entrepreneurs and Educators.  As I've mentioned before, other sessions that dealt with bridging this gap existed as well.  The RESOUNDING take away from the Win-Win: Strategies for EdTech/Educator Engagement session conducted by Educators Lindsey Own, Stephanie Sandifer and Entrepreneurs Jay Goyal and Dion Lim was the importance of building and nurturing relationships.  The session facilitated by Katya Hott and I was grounded in this sentiment as well.  

In order to stay true to our mission we want to make sure that the chats can be action oriented and not simply discussion based. Some of the #edtechbridge participants have begun to form relationships outside of the chat and we want to facilitate this aspect of the community.

Our topic will focus on the notion of Moving Relationships Outside of the Chat.  As such, we have drafted the following questions:

Q1a: Read the intros / profiles of people on #edtechbridge.  Follow 3+ people with whom you'd like to colaborate with on an #edtech project.

Q1b: Who did you follow and why would you like to connect with this person outside of the chat?

Q2: What could you do after this chat to further establish a relationship with the people you want to connect with?

Q3: What #edtech tools do you currently use to manage contacts / nurture relationships?  Why are they effective?

Q4: What kind of #edtechtool would you like to co-design / collaborate on with another member of #edtechbridge?  Why?

Q5: In an #edtechbridge collaboration, would you rather be a designer / feedback-provider / advisor / other? Why?

Q6: Do you have any relationships / collaborations that have already been born out of #edtechbridge chats?  Please share!

Q7: What would you like to see in terms of a tool to help you connect and collaborate with others?

HOMEWORK: Connect with 1+ people outside of this #edtechbridge chat and report back to us next week!  

I think it will be a very exciting and productive chat.  We hope you will join us for...

#EdTech Bridge: Moving Relationships Outside of the Chat
Wednesday, May 28, 6pm ET / 3pm PST / 11pm GMT
on twitter using #EdTechBridge

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